Saturday, June 7, 2014

Fitness/Dieting Myths

I have a lot of thoughts about health and fitness today, mostly because today was a big PR day for me in regards to weightlifting. As a gym, we did the workout "Nukes" which is 8 minutes to run 1 mile and max rep deadlifts (315/225), 10 minutes to run a mile and max rep power cleans (225/155), and 12 minutes to run a mile and max rep overhead squats (135/95). I had to scale a decent amount because holy crap the weight was heavvvyyy! But I was still proud of how I performed. During Open Gym I ended up PR'ing on my front squat AND my back squat. WOOT WOOT! It was very exciting.

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about the silly dieting and workout fads that people (especially a lot of females I know) are into recently. Most of it is "Eat Low-Fat Everything" or "30 Days of Crunches" or "The Pill that Helps you Get That Bikini Body!" I am certainly no expert; but as a self-proclaimed fit human and someone who has lost around 70 lbs doing what I've been doing, I feel like my advice holds at least a little weight. I'm not saying that CrossFit and eating paleo is the only way to be healthy, but I think that these standards hold true for health/fitness in general.

Here are some health myths  I've run into that I would like to poke holes in...

1. Eating low-fat is a great way to lose weight.
I hate so much that "fat" in food is called "fat" because it gives lots of negative connotations. There is plenty of healthy fat out there. Also, food with low-fat is going to be full of chemicals and fillers so they can be considered "low-fat." Either way, if something has been chemically altered like that, it's not good for you. The best thing you can stay away from is sugar, especially if you're trying to lose weight.
2. Women who lift weights are bulky.
Not true! Women have to take special supplements and try really really really hard to get huge. Lifting weights means building muscle. And guess what's awesome about muscle? The more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. Also, being strong is healthy and rocks. And if you're a woman, you'll get toned, not bulky.
3. Eating close to bedtime will make you gain weight.
If you're eating deep fried twinkies and candy, it doesn't matter whether you eat it at 11 pm or 10 am. If it's bad for you, it's unhealthy no matter what time it is.
4. Calories are the best measure of how good a product is for you.
In my experience, calories don't really tell you a whole lot. You have to take a lot of other things into consideration in order to reap any information about a food item. I keep an eye on how much sugar is in something. The more processed sugar there is, the worse it is for you.
5. Doing crunches will give you a six-pack.
A saying I've heard is that "abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym." We've all got abs, but if there's a layer of fat over them, you won't be able to see them. Stop doing crunches to get abs, and start eating healthy!
6. Being bigger means you're unhealthy/being thin means you're healthy.
I know plenty of people that are bigger than me or weigh more than me who eat incredibly healthy and absolutely thrash me on every workout. I know lots of people who are very small, but eat like crap and can't do a single push-up.  I also know people who are very big who have trouble with eating and exercising and people who are tiny who eat great and are very fit. The point is, the way a person looks does not necessarily determine how healthy or fit they are.
7. Not eating is a great way to lose weight.
I know a lot of people who skip meals to lose weight, especially breakfast. Eating breakfast is a great way to lose weight because it starts your metabolism early so your body is burning fat all day long. Not to mention, skipping meals is very unhealthy for you physically, mentally, and emotionally. As someone who had an eating disorder for 5 years, take it from me! You will get nowhere by not eating or by purging. Fuel your body with healthy food, and allow yourself to splurge on things you love. If you believe you have an eating disorder, please get help. Eating disorders can kill you, seriously.
8. You can "burn fat" on certain parts of your body.
You cannot "spot burn." End of story. It just isn't humanly possible.
9. You just need to have self-control.
Self-control when it comes to dieting is just so hard. If it's in the pantry, you're going to eat it. Do your best to get rid of the processed junk and fill your cabinet with healthy stuff. Then you're not tempted to eat crap because there's no crap in your kitchen!

In conclusion, the best thing you can do for yourself is fuel your body with natural things and stop making excuses when it comes to exercise. Eat lots of meat, veggies, and fruit. I eat a vegetable with every meal and do my best to snack on fruit. Also, I let myself splurge! If you think I could live without Froot Loops or cupcakes, you are so very wrong. I obviously don't eat them every day, but I let myself have a treat often. If you're just starting out trying to be healthy, try to cut out processed foods (stuff like chips, frozen meals, low-fat crap) and start bringing more veggies and lean meats into your diet. And stop making excuses with exercise! I used to think that exercise sucked no matter what, but I just wasn't doing something I enjoyed. Do something you love to get some exercise (running, biking, basketball, wrestling, CrossFit, etc.). Love yourself, take care of your body. It's the only one you'll ever have!!

             me in 2010                          me in 2014

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